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A new revolution in the food world: smart temperature-controlled lockers for food delivery

A new revolution in the food world: smart temperature-controlled lockers for food delivery

Editor: AITUOIoT

Smart food lockers can be said to be intelligent products developed in the future trend of new technology application and new business forms arising from the post-epidemic era. It is a kind of storage and pickup smart locker. The deliveryman delivers the food by scanning the QR code (on the touch screen) of the main-cabinet, and the customer enters the pickup code received on their phone to pick up the food.

Smart food locker is a new one-stop food delivery application facility. It optimizes the scene of deliveryman food delivery and customer food pick-up through digital intelligent means, so that the public can easily pick up food and eat at ease, and help the public enjoy a quality and healthy life. The emergence of smart food lockers has improved the efficiency of take-out delivery and achieved contactless delivery. Customers only need to place orders on the platform, so that the food can be prepared in advance and the customers can take the food directly to avoid queuing, waiting for a long time and affecting the dining mood and other problems. For the merchants, cross peak production, improve efficiency, customer satisfaction, business prosperity!

The smart food locker is suitable for the takeout scene. It is a kind of intelligent terminal service facility that provides short-term access service of food such as catering. According to the usage scenario, the smart food locker can be divided into two types: merchant version and user version. Merchant version refers to it placed in merchants’ stores and other business places, suitable for merchants to store/deliver catering and other food, for deliveryman to pick up meals or consumers to pick up. The user version refers to a smart food locker that is placed in public places such as office buildings, residential areas, industrial parks, hotels and hospitals for deliveryman to store/deliver food and consumers to pick up food.

There are also two types of smart food lockers: single door locker and double side door lockers. Single door lockers are suitable for public places, take-out delivery, customers pick up food; The double side door lockers are suitable for the places operated by the businesses themselves, such as hotels, restaurants, etc., where the chefs operate and deliver the food at the back door and the customers operate and pick up the food at the front door.

Smart Single door system food delivery locker

Smart Double door system food delivery locker

Shenzhen AITUO IoT Technology Co., Ltd. focuses on the research and development of intelligent food delivery locker, providing one-stop solutions from mainboards, multi-function locking boards, heating systems, cooling system, lighting systems, disinfection systems, drop off and pick up operation software, cloud server background management software, and technical support for API interfacing with merchants’ meal ordering platforms.

Smart food lockers will certainly usher in the outbreak of rigidity. For the market, those who see the evolutionary direction and quickly seize the opportunity will be able to grasp and extend the dividend period and truly win the broad future.


Victor Lee

Ivy Ou

Victor Lee

Jams Sun